- Cashmere High School
- Jim McKellar
Jim McKellar
Jim McKellar was born on April 15, 1909 in Kettle Falls, Washington. At the age of six, he moved to Cashmere with his family. There, he grew up and attended Cashmere High School. After his graduation in 1930, he attended the University of Washington.
On July 25, 1934, Jim McKellar married Myrtle Mikkelsen. Soon they were blessed with two daughters named Evelyn and Janet.
Jim often gardened, fished, and snowmobiled. He dedicated himself to the Boy Scouts of America under Troop #1 of Cashmere from April 15, 1921, his twelfth birthday to January 3, 1998, his death. During this time he achieved the status of First Eagle Scout and received the Lifetime Achievement Award in scouting. He helped build the Cashmere Scout Building established scout troops and trained scoutmasters, and served on the board of Troop #1 for more than two decades. His writings have appeared in Boys Life and other well-known scouting magazines.
Jim, known as “Grandpa Mac” to many, lived by the words that he carried on a card in his pocket: “A hundred years from now I will not matter what my bank account was, the cost of the house that I lived in, or the kind of car I drove, but that the world may be different because I was important in the life of a child.”
We proudly welcome Jim McKellar into the Cashmere High School’s Wall of Fame.