- Cashmere Middle School
- Special Programs
Information on CMS special programs
McKinney-Vento/Transitional Housing
If your family is homeless, or, occupying a temporary or inadequate living situation (shelter/unsheltered, doubled-up, hotels/motels, etc) due to a loss of housing, your child might be eligible for certain educational rights and services. Families who qualify for McKinney-Vento services are eligible to receive assistance with transportation, free/reduced lunches, clothing, medical, etc.
If you are experiencing a loss of housing or lack a fixed, regular, or adequate nighttime residence - click here to learn more.
If you believe your student qualifies for McKinney-Vento services, please contact your school counselor or local McKinney-Vento liaison Lisa Avila.
Special Education
Cashmere School District is constantly engaged in the process of identifying and supporting students who need specific, individual instruction.
If you think your child has a learning disability, the easiest way to get a referral for testing is to make a formal parent request - should you be interested, please contact our school psychologist, Emily Bushouse.
Please refer to the Special Education Department webpage for more information.
Section 504
What is a 504 plan? A 504 plan is an accommodation plan designed to support students who's ability to learn is substantially limited by a medically diagnosed physical or mental disability.
It is important to understand that having a diagnosed physical/mental disability is required for eligibility consideration, however it does not guarantee your student will qualify. The diagnosed disability must be significantly impacting their ability to progress in their education.
Please understand 504s are for students with high needs. The process of identifying and confirming students for 504 plans is intensive and involves collecting feedback from medical providers, teachers, parents/students, behavioral records, attendance, grades, etc.
What is the 504 process?
Click on the text above to learn what the section 504 process looks like from start to finish.