What is the 504 process?

Who could be eligible? Students who meet the definition of a person with a disability under Section 504 have a documented physical or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more major life activities.


1. Referral of the student to the school guidance team (GT):

  • Notify your student’s school counselor of your request for 504 consideration
  • Within 25 school days from the date of referral the GT will meet to consider the request


2. GT decides Whether to Refer the Student for a 504 Evaluation:

  • If the GT decides not to evaluate the student, the parent will receive notice of the team’s decision, and the process is finished 
  • If the GT decides to evaluate the student the process continues below


3. Student is evaluated for possible 504 eligibility:

  • The evaluation team must obtain parent/guardian consent to proceed with evaluation
  • The GT determines the scope of each student’s Section 504
  • Evaluation will be completed within 35 school days


4. Evaluation Team Determines the Student’s Eligibility under Section 504:

  • The evaluation team reviews evaluation data and determines eligibility under Section 504.
  • If the student is eligible under Section 504, the school counselor assumes the role of the Section 504 case manager.
  • Regardless of the evaluation decision the parent/guardian receives a copy of Section 504-Procedural Safeguards.


5. Section 504 Team Develops a Section 504 Accommodation Plan for the Student:

  • Section 504 Team (including parent/guardian and student if appropriate) develops a Section 504 Accommodation Plan.
  • Parent/guardian consent is required before implementation of 504 plan
  • School counselor monitors the Plan implementation and student
  • Parent/guardian is provided a copy of the Section 504 Accommodation Plan.


6. Section 504 Team Annually Reviews the Student’s Section 504 Accommodation Plan:

  • Section 504 team reviews the student’s Section 504 Accommodation Plan at least once per year.
  • If the team decides to revise the Plan, the parent/guardian must receive a revised copy of the Plan and Section 504- Procedural Safeguards.